Senin, 01 Agustus 2016

Type rattan in Indonesia

Type rattan in Indonesia is very much of its total 312 species. Of the 13 genera of plants the world rattan , 8 genus of which grow in the area of ​​Indonesia . Rattan is of the family Arecaceae , living vines on a tree trunk to another, small-sized trunk segmented but not hollow , and sheathed by barbed leather .. And rattan with 13 genera terdapt hundreds of species scattered throughout the world .

Here are the types of rattan that grows in Indonesia . Here are some types of rattan in Indonesia which is equipped with a common name , Latin name of plants , mention the names of the local and regional distribution in Indonesia .
1. Balubuk Rattan (Calamus burckianus Beccari); Known also as Howe balubuk
    (Sunda), rattan sepet,   stranding basket (Java). There are in Java.
2. Rattan Garden (Calamus caesius Blume); Known also as Sego (Aceh), 
     Segeu (Gayo), Sego (Sumatra). Scattered in Kalimantan and Sumatra.
3. Korod Rattan (Calamus heteroideus Blume); Rattan also called Candle. Growing up in Java.
4. Tohiti Rattan (Calamus inops Beccari); Known also welcome 
     (Sulawesi, Maluku). Scattered in Sulawesi and Maluku.
5. Candles Rattan (Calamus javensis Blume); Scattered in Kalimantan and Sumatra.
6. Manau Rattan (Calamus manan Miquel); Growing up in Sumatra and Kalimantan.
7. Buyung Rattan (Calamus optimus Becc.); Known also as Buyung, Selutup, Sega Bulu 
     (Kalimantan) .Other areas sebarannya includes Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and Sumatra.
8. Seuti Rattan (Calamus ornatus Blume); Known also as Howe seuti, rattan 
    mattresses (West Java), rattan sound of sucking (Bengkulu), rattan emblem (Central Sulawesi), rattan books in (North Sulawesi), Minong or munau (Kalimantan). Distribution area, among others, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java.
9. Sigisi Rattan (Calamus orthostachyus Warburg ex Beccari); Also called Popini, 
    Scattered Sulawesi.
10. Sanjat Rattan (Calamus paspalanthus Beccari); Rattan also called Single Marau. 
       Regional distribution of Borneo, peninsular Malaysia and Palawan.
11. Inun Rattan (Calamus scabridulus Becc); Scattered in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
12. Dandan Rattan (Calamus schistoacanthus Blume); In Sumatra and Kalimantan.
13. Semambu Rattan (Calamus scipionum Loureiro); Distribution area, among others,   
       Sumatra, Borneo, and Java.
14. Irit Rattan (Calamus trachycoleus Becc); Kalimantan endemic plants.
15. Rotan Manau mice (Calamus tumidus Furtado); Grows in Sumatra.
16. Rod Rattan (Calamus zollingeri Beccari); Known also as the white rod,  
       umul (Sulawesi), rattan water, halawaku malibat (Maluku). Growing up in 
       Sulawesi and Maluku.
17. Rattan jernang Large (Daemonorops draco Blume); Also called jernang, bear 
      (South Sumatra), Getik Badag (West Java), Getik Warak (Central Java). In 
      Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia.
18. Rattan Seel (Daemonorops melanochaetes Blume); 
      Penjalin also called sweet, dendek, cane sap. Scattered in 
      Sumatra, Java, Malaysia, and Thailand
19. Milk Rattan Trunk (Daemonorops robusta Warburg); Trunk also called milk 
       (North Sulawesi), red stem (Central Sulawesi), wicker reindeer fur 
       (Seram Ambon), Noko (Southeast Sulawesi). Growing up in Sulawesi and Maluku.
20. Rattan latex (Daemonorops rubra (Reinw. Ex Blume) Mart.). 
       Rattan also called leules, pelah wicker, rattan hose, rattan teretes (Sunda),
       stranding sepet rattan, wicker stranding chicken (Java), cane sap (Sumatra).
       In Java and Sumatra.
21. Rotan Shrimp (Korthalsia echinometra Beccari); Rattan also called ant, 
       wicker limb, rattan Meiya, Uwi hurang. In Java, Sumatra, Bengkulu, 
       Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia.
22. Rattan Kapuas (Korthalsia ferox Beccari); Rattan endemic to Borneo.
23. Rattan Dahanan (Korthalsia flagellaris Miq); Scattered in Sumatra, Borneo and
       Peninsular Malaysia.
24. Rattan Sampang (Korthalsia junghuhnii Blume); Howe also called lacquer, 
       bowing skewed. In Java and Sumatra.
25. Rattan Branch (Korthalsia rigida Blume); Known also as Rattan dane (Aceh), 
       wicker and rattan branch intersection (Berau, East Kalimantan), the dry rattan 
       (Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat). In Java, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Palawan, 
       and Thailand.

so species of rattan in Indonesia I can show , and that only 25 of the hundreds of existing species . may be useful

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