Senin, 01 Agustus 2016

rattan plant benefits

Some areas in Indonesia have a forest of Rotan such as Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. And did you know that 70% of the World Rotan supplied by Indonesia and the rest of Malaysia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Bangladesh. The high value of rattan exports in Indonesia due to the number of plants and a lot of role.

Rattan utilization primarily as raw materials of furniture, such as chairs, coffee table, bookshelf, conductivity basket, baskets Hampers, Basket Souvenir, etc. Rattan has several advantages than wood, such as light weight, strong, ductile / malleable, and cheap.

Aside from being a raw material of furniture, sap (resin) from the stalk flowers can be utilized. This sap is red and is known in the trade as dragon's blood ( "dragon's blood"). These resins are used to color the violin or as meni.

Dayak community in Central Kalimantan take advantage of young rattan sticks as a component of vegetables. Rattan sticks can also be made as a crutch to walk and weapons.

Rattan For Health Benefits
Make Herbal Rotan For Natural Medicine Sore Throat

How to remove the bitter sap contained in young rattan. Because rattan to be used for this herb is the tip of the young cane. The way to consume this cane is to be eaten.

Rattan be consumed should be boiled first. Cut the first young rattan to be used as a drug, then boiled young rattan with boiling water.

The boiling process is helpful to remove the bitter sap contained in the cane.

After boiling water, drain and mix rattan wicker young with food materials that you create.

You can mix them with food, for example: stir-fries, or food berkuah.

Tanin substance in Rotan

In the rattan plant contained a substance called tannin tanin.Zat substance itself has a function to combat the bacteria due to illness tenggorokan.Lalu what causes sore throat pain itself? Sore throat is a result mainly of bacteria and viruses that carry over from the food we eat, the sore throat can also be caused by infection of food is too spicy, too cold drinks and food that is too hot.

Prolonged cough and cold can also affect the throat, guys! Thus the food and beverages we consume must be maintained.

In addition to the benefits of cane that serves to overcome strep throat, astringent tannins can also be to address diarrheal diseases, malaria and bleeding.

Many benefits we can get from rattan plants that are usually only used for supplementary materials woven there are many benefits to health

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